

🚨 This package is in early stages of design and implementation. 🚨

We welcome any feedback and ideas! Let us know by submitting issues on Github or send us a message on our Gitter chatroom.

Which Python?

You’ll need Python 3.6 or greater to run GMT/Python.

We recommend using the Anaconda Python distribution to ensure you have all dependencies installed and the conda package manager available. Installing Anaconda does not require administrative rights to your computer and doesn’t interfere with any other Python installations in your system.

Which GMT?

You’ll need the latest development version available from the GitHub repository. GMT/Python is based on GMT 6, which has not yet been officially released.

We need the very latest GMT since there are many changes being made to GMT itself in response to the development of GMT/Python, mainly the new modern execution mode.


GMT/Python requires the following libraries:

The following are optional (but recommended) dependencies:

  • IPython: For embedding the figures in Jupyter notebooks.

Installing GMT

Unfortunately, you’ll have to build GMT from source in order to get GMT/Python working. Please follow the instructions at


We used to maintain conda packages for the latest GMT. That caused many problems and was very difficult to maintain updated. We have opted to not do that anymore so that we can develop more quickly. Once GMT 6 is officially released, we’ll have conda packages available again. Please bear with us.

Installing GMT/Python

Now that you have GMT installed and your conda environment activated, use pip to install the latest source of GMT/Python from Github:

pip install

Alternatively, you can clone the git repository and install using pip:

git clone
cd pygmt
pip install .

This will allow you to use the gmt library from Python.

Testing your install

GMT/Python ships with a full test suite. You can run our tests after you install it but you will need a few extra dependencies as well (be sure to have your conda env activated):

conda install pytest pytest-mpl sphinx jinja2 docutils ipython

Test your installation by running the following inside a Python interpreter:

import gmt

Finding the GMT shared library

Sometimes, GMT/Python will be unable to find the correct version of the GMT shared library. This can happen if you have multiple versions of GMT installed.

You can tell GMT/Python exactly where to look for libgmt by setting the GMT_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. This should be set to the directory where (or .dylib) is found. Only use this as a last resort. Setting the path in this way means that GMT/Python will not be able to easily find the correct libgmt when you’re changing conda environments.

If you installed GMT using conda and the instructions above, place the following in your ~/.bashrc file:

export GMT_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/anaconda3/envs/pygmt/lib

You should change $HOME/anaconda3 to wherever you installed Anaconda (this is the default for Linux).