
class pygmt.Figure[source]

A GMT figure to handle all plotting.

Use the plotting methods of this class to add elements to the figure. You can preview the figure using and save the figure to a file using gmt.Figure.savefig.

Unlike traditional GMT figures, no figure file is generated until you call gmt.Figure.savefig or gmt.Figure.psconvert.


>>> fig = Figure()
>>> fig.basemap(region=[0, 360, -90, 90], projection='W7i', frame=True)
>>> fig.savefig("my-figure.png")
>>> # Make sure the figure file is generated and clean it up
>>> import os
>>> os.path.exists('my-figure.png')
>>> os.remove('my-figure.png')

The plot region can be specified through ISO country codes (for example, 'JP' for Japan):

>>> fig = Figure()
>>> fig.basemap(region='JP', projection="M3i", frame=True)
>>> # The fig.region attribute shows the WESN bounding box for the figure
>>> print(', '.join('{:.2f}'.format(i)  for i in fig.region))
122.94, 145.82, 20.53, 45.52

The geographic WESN bounding box for the current figure.


basemap(**kwargs) Produce a basemap for the figure.
coast(**kwargs) Plot continents, shorelines, rivers, and borders on maps
contour([x, y, z, data]) Contour table data by direct triangulation.
grdcontour(grid, **kwargs) Convert grids or images to contours and plot them on maps
grdimage(grid, **kwargs) Project grids or images and plot them on maps.
image(imagefile, **kwargs) Place images or EPS files on maps.
logo(**kwargs) Place the GMT graphics logo on a map.
plot([x, y, data, sizes, direction]) Plot lines, polygons, and symbols on maps.
psconvert(**kwargs) Convert [E]PS file(s) to other formats.
savefig(fname[, transparent, crop, …]) Save the figure to a file.
show([dpi, width, method, globe_center]) Display a preview of the figure.