Source code for pygmt._show_versions

Utility methods to print system information for debugging.

Adapted from :func:`rioxarray.show_versions` and :func:`pandas.show_versions`.

import platform
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
from importlib.metadata import PackageNotFoundError, requires, version
from typing import TextIO

from packaging.requirements import Requirement
from packaging.version import Version
from pygmt.clib import Session, __gmt_version__

# Get semantic version through setuptools-scm
__version__ = f'v{version("pygmt")}'  # e.g. v0.1.2.dev3+g0ab3cd78
__commit__ = __version__.split("+g")[-1] if "+g" in __version__ else ""  # 0ab3cd78

def _get_clib_info() -> dict[str, str]:
    Get information about the GMT shared library.
    with Session() as lib:

def _get_module_version(modname: str) -> str | None:
    Get version information of a Python module.
        return version(modname)
    except PackageNotFoundError:
        return None

def _get_ghostscript_version() -> str | None:
    Get Ghostscript version.
    match sys.platform:
        case name if name in {"linux", "darwin"} or name.startswith("freebsd"):
            cmds = ["gs"]
        case "win32":
            cmds = ["gswin64c.exe", "gswin32c.exe"]
        case _:
            return None

    for gs_cmd in cmds:
        if (gsfullpath := shutil.which(gs_cmd)) is not None:
            return subprocess.check_output(
                [gsfullpath, "--version"], universal_newlines=True
    return None

def _check_ghostscript_version(gs_version: str | None) -> str | None:
    Check if the Ghostscript version is compatible with GMT versions.
    if gs_version is None:
        return "Ghostscript is not detected. Your installation may be broken."

    match Version(gs_version):
        case v if v < Version("9.53"):
            return (
                f"Ghostscript v{gs_version} is too old and may have serious bugs. "
                "Please consider upgrading your Ghostscript."
        case v if Version("10.00") <= v < Version("10.02"):
            return (
                f"Ghostscript v{gs_version} has known bugs. "
                "Please consider upgrading to version v10.02 or later."
        case v if v >= Version("10.02") and Version(__gmt_version__) < Version("6.5.0"):
            return (
                f"GMT v{__gmt_version__} doesn't support Ghostscript v{gs_version}. "
                "Please consider upgrading to GMT>=6.5.0 or downgrading to Ghostscript "
    return None

[docs] def show_versions(file: TextIO | None = sys.stdout): """ Print various dependency versions which are useful when submitting bug reports. This includes information about: - PyGMT itself - System information (Python version, Operating System) - Core dependency versions (NumPy, pandas, Xarray, etc) - GMT library information It also warns users if the installed Ghostscript version has serious bugs or is incompatible with the installed GMT version. """ sys_info = { "python": sys.version.replace("\n", " "), "executable": sys.executable, "machine": platform.platform(), } requirements = [Requirement(v).name for v in requires("pygmt")] + ["gdal"] # type: ignore[union-attr] dep_info = {name: _get_module_version(name) for name in requirements} dep_info.update({"ghostscript": _get_ghostscript_version()}) lines = [] lines.append("PyGMT information:") lines.append(f" version: {__version__}") lines.append("System information:") lines.extend([f" {key}: {val}" for key, val in sys_info.items()]) lines.append("Dependency information:") lines.extend([f" {key}: {val}" for key, val in dep_info.items()]) lines.append("GMT library information:") lines.extend([f" {key}: {val}" for key, val in _get_clib_info().items()]) if warnmsg := _check_ghostscript_version(dep_info["ghostscript"]): lines.append("WARNING:") lines.append(f" {warnmsg}") print("\n".join(lines), file=file)