
PyGMT supports many map projections; see GMT Map Projections for an overview. Use the projection parameter to specify which one you want to use in all plotting methods. The projection is specified by a one-letter code along with (sometimes optional) reference longitude and latitude and the width of the map (for example, Alon0/lat0[/horizon]/width). The map height is determined based on the region and projection.

These are all the available projections:

Azimuthal Projections

Azimuthal equidistant projection

Azimuthal equidistant projection

General stereographic projection

General stereographic projection

Gnomonic projection

Gnomonic projection

Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection

Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection

Orthographic projection

Orthographic projection

Perspective projection

Perspective projection

Conic Projections

Albers conic equal-area projection

Albers conic equal-area projection

Equidistant conic projection

Equidistant conic projection

Lambert conic conformal projection

Lambert conic conformal projection

Polyconic projection

Polyconic projection

Cylindric Projections

Cassini cylindrical projection

Cassini cylindrical projection

Cylindrical equal-area projection

Cylindrical equal-area projection

Cylindrical equidistant projection

Cylindrical equidistant projection

Cylindrical stereographic projection

Cylindrical stereographic projection

Mercator projection

Mercator projection

Miller cylindrical projection

Miller cylindrical projection

Oblique Mercator projection

Oblique Mercator projection

Transverse Mercator projection

Transverse Mercator projection

Universal Transverse Mercator projection

Universal Transverse Mercator projection

Miscellaneous Projections

Eckert IV equal-area projection

Eckert IV equal-area projection

Eckert VI equal-area projection

Eckert VI equal-area projection

Hammer projection

Hammer projection

Mollweide projection

Mollweide projection

Robinson projection

Robinson projection

Sinusoidal projection

Sinusoidal projection

Van der Grinten projection

Van der Grinten projection

Winkel Tripel projection

Winkel Tripel projection

Non-geographic Projections

Cartesian linear

Cartesian linear

Cartesian logarithmic

Cartesian logarithmic

Cartesian power

Cartesian power



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